Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Hello people. am ill, i have flu and cough, atte my cough is not that sexy one that makes you feel sorry for the pretty young thing sighing in her hanky next to you, pretending to be coughing. Has any one ever had a cough that makes you feel like your lungs have an outer coating of some heavy metal so that when you inhale, you fill like you are trying to lift a table with your teeth? And when you laugh, you end up hacking? Well, that's not how I feel...kidding, that's exactly how I feel. I've thus decided to put my laughing days on hold. For now, I just sort of hiss through life.

Els, do you remember how those adolescents in S.5 and 6 used to laugh?Maybe they didn't in your class but they did in mine. It went something like," ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts," I finally get it. They had bad coughs and didn't want to put their fans off them.

I read the 27th comrade's article on how girls can't seem to talk about much else, save life and love. I swear he pegged me in one. I decided to dedicate my week to speaking, writing and thinking of anything else but. It wasn't easy. I tried to talk about politics, I ended up repeating myself,

" This regime is bad."

"It's soo oo bad!"

"My God, the badness of this regime.. (shaking my head)... it defies understanding." Suffice it to say politics was a flop. But I know that when i think it, I see pictures in my head of people throwing doves and making peace signs. Isn't that enough?

Then I tried to talk money. Now there, I surprised myself. I have many business Ideas running around in my head. I kept talking to a friend of mine about investment ideas, business plans, making your money work for you. I was pretty impressed with myself.

I read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and I haven't looked back since. It's all in my head right now but in good time. My dad was telling me about "our property", if he'd known that as he talked, i was mentally breaking and expanding structures, selling off others, He'd have freaked and disowned me. It got me wondering if I feature anywhere in his will. I bet he's only left me some brown goat I saw and liked on his farm. Untill recently, he thought i was not very steady so I was kinda, 'special', Now, when I tell him 'intellectual' things, he fights hard and well to hide his surprise. YESSS!!! He even seeks my opinion these days.


PS: Am at the first internet cafe in Mbale town so prices are just short of extortion. gotta go, mwaa. All the Bagisu say wasaa?


els said...

how u say 'wassaa' in gisu? or do u just shout it really really loud? that could work!

Akiiki said...