Monday, July 9, 2007


This is a re-affirmation. LOVE EXISTS, and not just love, TRUE LOVE. I know that somewhere, there's a person going to inspire thunder, lightening, earthquakes and other natural phenomenon.

Am waiting for that ONE for whom I will sincerely be willing to die. Right now when I ask myself if I would actually die for someone, I come up with a gazillion of excuses and the few yeses that come out are with a dozen hearts.

I know that I might not meet him or her (kidding) in this life time but untill I bloody do, am waiting. And this business of settling for less, HELL NO!! People tell me there will come a time when Am lonesome, shapeless and ugly and he's not there. So what? I'll be waiting for him in the next life. . . with a baseball bat. But am patient.

Hey, let me give you an update on the Crush of My life. Haven't seen hide or hair of him and no one seems to know where he is. As I told you earlier, am done asking (but not

Anyway, this is a sad state of affairs coz my crush is slowly slipping away. I don't want that coz my life will cease to have drama. I like drama . . .in small doses.

Elsewhere in my world, I met a handsome and, get this, intelligent boy at work. i know it's not going anywhere but the thrill of making friends( cute ones) has refused to let me be. I'd told myself I'm done inniciating friendships but two days ago, he smiled me into speech. He's leaving in a week so am not going to get so attached.

I realised something, No, it's not a realisation, it's a question? Am wondering why brothers who purpot to like me don't feel the need to spend any time on me. I swear, when I think about it, They come in clicks, laugh x2 and then hung back when their friends are leaving and try to lay strategy in 5 or 10 seconds. What the hell? Aren't I good enough for a date? They never bloody ask! Then they call me difficult. This business of sending texts that make you have more questions than answers, what's the moral: I'll be overcome by confusion and go fling myself in their arms?


indiana said...

confusion and flinging your arms around them, they would like it!.

It could be that most would be worried that you might begin to like them a lot!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hate pop literature and self-help books. But I have just one in my library: "He's Just Not That Into You."

A hard pill to swallow, but for real, there is no need to pine after dateless dudes. Save your time for the guy who worships at your feet.

Now if only I could apply that advice to my life ...

The 27th Comrade said...

Maybe you make it hard for them to believe you take them seriously. It is something that affects pretty chics (so they turn into hags without stable guys). You probably let the guys work at it like horses, while you sit back and wait. That's good to have fun, but not good when , someday, you'll realise you should have been taken out on a date already, since you are 43 ...


Anonymous said...

I could offer some fail safe advice, but would need to see a picture. Put up a picture so we can turn this mutha out.

Elle B said...
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Elle B said...

Indiana, are you with me or with them?

Elle B said...

As, I said in my earlier posts, I'm destined to embarrass myself for the rest of my life. I hunted for the delete button and it's still in absentia so if you see the error in my ways before I do, am sorry. Am even whipping myself with that whip from the'passion of christ' as we speak.

Elle B said...

I do believe you have a point. So I shan't lose sleep over that. Thanks.

am the most attentive thing since sliced bread and i don't laugh at people. Infact I go out of my way to put them at ease. So I don't have that syndrome. And I don't play with people, I say it like it is( in a stalling, stumbling sort of way).

What picture shall I put up: When I've just woken up or mega-pix? Thin this decision out carefully.

els said...

i have the 'when i have just woken up one'...shall i?

indiana said...

ha ha ha... it depends on which tree this dog's barkin up.

Anonymous said...

when you have just woken up.That is the true you.

It's not like you are gonna be under megapix strobe lights 24/7.

Elle B said...

You wouldn't dare. I know where you live.

My brother, u just think you want that pic, u don't, not really. Let's come to a compromise.