Monday, June 18, 2007


Hi, am sorry about the Italics Iwaya, it's just that I find it soo..oo pretty. Don't ask, I can't explain but do explain to me why boys don't have much emotion? I mean, in the last post, all the brothers were hatin' on that soulful music that I love to hate. What's the basis. Not your faults, am just wondering.

Yesterday, I watched my brother watch a movie called "Blood and Chocolates". The part that made me watch it was the "chocolates" part. It suggested something sensual, read romantic. No prizes for the part that am thinking took my brother in. Anyway, it's a beautiful story about a romance between a werewolf and a human. It's the very first movie I 've seen that based entirely on werewolves(no vampires this time) and it cast them in a fantastic light. By the time I was done watching it. I wanted to grow up to be a werewolf(ess)

What was I saying? Yeah. So am watching my brother watch this movie and I realize something, he's unconsciously forwarding the parts that I had kept slowing down or rewinding while I watched! Now that was crazy. Those parts when the hero says something so fitting or corners the heroine and she wants to ran but can't run because his hypnotic gaze has rooted her to the spot... Forget that. You know what am talking about. Instead he was forwarding to the parts where the wolves chased down bad guys or leaped in human form from amazing heights. Okay, those parts were cool too but really!

My point here is that people say that brothers are emotional but hide their feelings well. So how do u explain this. . . subconscious hiding from emotion, forwarding business? I don't get it.


Iwaya said...

you ain't getting me to admit to anything! no way! and Magoo, you can get up now, the referee has stopped counting, its a TKO!

els said...

iwaya, i think you admitted already

eddiie said...

What...yeah i thibk there is a big difference between guys ad chics..but some boys really can be emotional..its not pretence

The 27th Comrade said...

I think I'd not forward the parts. Merely suffer through them. I mean, they aren't what I'm watching for. I want to see how the werewolf ripped that idiot's jugular out and sent his silly little head flying ... :o)

Okay, not that extreme, but you get.

The 27th Comrade said...

Oh, and there is a Bloggers' happy Hour on Thursday ... at Mateo's. 6:30pm. Just a modest plea, you know, that you, you know, show up ...

Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

sthing btn iwaya & this some one? ma first time here....but chill guys, for ur faithful servant wil soon let u in.

now on the post, the point is that men dont 'hide' their feelings. its just that while we're 4m mars, women are from venus. that makes all the difference

Elle B said...

@Monsiuer comrade
Is this happy our thing every Thursday? What happens? We just might have ourselves a no-names, didn't know you were there but did you see the guy who. . . date!

Elle B said...

Don't worry ma brother, it's all good between Iwaya and me, no drama.. .yet

Hey, have yo read that book, Men are from Mars? It gives such great insight: I almost have my brothers(biological) eating from the palm of my hand.

When I conquer them, i'll go forth into the world Muhahaha but not to worry, it also teaches you guys how to handle and understand the sistaz better

Elle B said...

U need to first explain too me before you start denieing What do u know about the saying, "The guilty always run."?