Saturday, November 3, 2007


One night, while in that twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness,I had a revelation. It suddenly dawned on me, why women think 'marriage' soon as they look at brothers. Bleep the fact that they may never hook up, it just happens, if only for a second.

Pity when I woke up the next morning, I couldn't remember.

We have a new maid. Chick is special. She's as thin as a pole and rather old. Problem is that she's so active. We spent her first week of arrival trying to out-kneel her. She kneels for anything and anyone but we've been raised to kneel for our elders so, while am fighting modernity and kneeling down, She's already down greeting me, then am struggling to raise her off her knees coz it's wrong for her to kneel to me... Lemme just say, arrival at home is long, akward and leaves me filling silly.

She also likes cleaning things, come home on a hot day and take off your blouse to cool off. Next time you see it, it will be happily swaying in the wind, wet and on the line! Oh, and she washes your shoes too, on arrival.It's crazy

You know how sometimes you wake up in the morning to see what the world looks like?When u plan on going to the bathroom and then coming straight back to bed? That's a thing of the past in my household; as soon as she sees you zombieing past her, she sneaks into your room and lays your bed!!!

My sisters say her days are numbered. I think I might have convinced them to let her stay if she hadn't said the house has posessed windows

On a lighter note, someone was showing me why I shouldn't close my face book account. We came across a hilarious game called 'orgasm', You replace a word in a movie title with the word 'orgasm'. For example;

Return of the orgasm- Return of the Sith
Honey, I shrunk the orgasm, you know what that one was.My personal favourite was, GET ORGASM OR DIE TRYING- 50 cent


Akiiki said...

Bourne Orgasm. Orgasm Supremacy. Bourne Orgasm Vs Orgasm Ultimatum...

Return of the Orgasm.

Lord Of The Orgasm.

Father of the Orgasm / Orgasm of the Bride.

played it almost all day (sunday) with Els.

Saadiq said...

eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...u people!! kale u be on facebook and dont even invite me to be ur friend..kale, kale

Iwaya said...

Me too!!! I'm miffed! You're on faceBook and nada to let me know till now?! After all we have been blogger through? Really!

Esquire of the mountain said...

hmm, the facebook wild fire rages on...its so addictive, its been banned at CNN, people apparently spend all day having multiple orgasms!

Elle B said...

Now Joshi, and Iwaya, not to worry, just send me your full names, even those that you are not proud of. i'll have this sorted out in no time.

Saadiq said...

just look for the uganda blog society group on facebook..drag Jasmine as well..

Akiiki said...

me i be very shy. very very shy. i see you all on facebook though.

Elle B said...

No hablo espanol muy bien