Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Hi. I've been working at this PR office a whole week now and I think I can honestly say I want to be a PR werewolfess when I grow up. Am the secretary's secretary, I do the dishes too. Not to worry, there are also times when they make me do intellectual things like reply letters, write stories for their magazine and... and... other intellectual things. Anyway, now to what's got me really excited about writing this post: The closet.

Right next to where I do the dishes is a closet. It has all the cleaning impliments but ample space. Ample space for what? Am about to explain;

You know how, in the movies, the hero and the heroine start walking down the corridor and then suddenly he pulls her through a small unobstrusive door, then hours later they emerge, dishevelled and radiant? There's such a door at my office!!!! How romantic. Every time I pass by, I throw it open hoping to catch someone to snigger at later. But nada.

Am almost angry that these people are not putting that closet to good use!! If they aren't careful, am going to do it myself!! I just need to find out where the hot doods are @ in this joint. I thought I'd found one. I mean, brother spoke like Zeus on the telephone. Ah well, shit happens. But that closet...


The 27th Comrade said...



You could be the star in this movie and shove I and I into the closet ... ;o)

Et oui, je parle le français ... Je parle assez. Je suis passé assez de temps sans y'avoir parlé, donc je ne suis pas bien pratiqué, mais tu peut me pardoner là, n'est-ce pas? :o)

Elle B said...

Quelle tristesse!! I've been trying to post for a while now. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer, we need to kick start the closet project!!lol. kidding.

NB; Ce n'est pas grave. Moi aussie, j'ai oublie beaucoup. Mais je reconnais les morts important, si tu comprends. snigger, snigger. A bientot.
And if I've killed buffalos in there, no being judgemental.

Baz said...

I was going to say you guys get a room, but well, I know where you can find a handy closet.

Elle B said...
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Elle B said...

Sorry about that.PC troubles.
Now baz, don't be jealous. U know i wouldn't refuse(and any closet mate you might bring along)use of my closet. The fact that I exposed it means I want to share it with the blogren.

PS:Thanks for passing by

Elle B said...
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