Monday, April 20, 2009

Mind your own hair (or try dying)

My contract ends tomorrow. I'm a bit dis interested about whether they'll retain me or not. I love this job and all, would give anything to stay but there's nothing I can do today to change the verdict. I shall be weighed, measured and NOT found wanting (I hope). Besides, change excites me, at least for the first day or 2.

In the mean time, I'm getting 'serious' calls from unbelievable relations;

Her: " Rosette, I've decided that we should cut off your dreadlocks"

ME: 'what?'

Her: "Yah, I 've seen a new style for us"

Me: 'Seriously? '

Seriously! Where do people get the nerve. Meanwhile, I wasn't allowed to snigger into the phone coz she was at her most serious. No playing. So we are not talking till "I've thought seriously about it". I guess am going to be a mute were some people are concerned.

I'm in suspended disbelief and I aim to forget we had this conversation. I'm upset at her and the entire business. Not sure why. Maybe its coz I don't sit around contemplating what I think my siblings should do with their hair.Seriously.I'm even getting a tummy ache and early frown lines. Bet it's her fault!

NB: It occurs to me she means well but I'm pissed anyway.


smelling the coffee said...

let it go.

working at the weekend said...

Bambi! (just needed to say it)

els said...

your hair is fab

Elle B said...

@smelling the coffee
i did and so did she...for now

@working at the weekend
Practice makes perfect so keep up the good work.

Gracias amiga

Sleek said...

i'm humming 'i am not my hair'....good u let it go